Background Investigation/Checks
A Background Check, Background Report, or Background Investigation consists of compiling criminal, civil, residential, driving, vehicle registration, academic, employment, professional licensing, and cursory financial records on a person, business, or organization. These records may or may not lead to further investigations into the history of target, depending on the direction of client. Many clients find these services invaluable, including landlords, employers, and those involved in online dating.
The Operation These types of investigations begin with a private investigator utilizing their access to a wide array of databases and contacts to retrieve and compile pertinent information on the background of a specified target. The reports may specifically focus on a certain area interest or consist of general records that cover many aspects related to the subject. The reports are then provided to the client who decides what steps to take next. While many clients may be satisfied with the reports generated from the preliminary investigation, other will require that an investigator follow up by contacting individuals who may have personal information about the target.
The Results A Background Investigation will result in the generation of reports detailing a clear picture of the person, business, or organization at the center of the investigation. Clients may require additional services upon receiving these reports, such as surveillance and interviews with those close to the subject. In addition to raw data reports, overview reports summarizing these results will also be provided along with a licensed and reputable investigator who is prepared to testify at hearings and other court settings if necessary. The private investigator working the case will also be available to consult with attorneys and other individuals regarding the results of these investigations.
Uncovering the Truth Marshall & Associates ensures that you receive the most accurate, up-to-date information available. We work with our clients to determine the most important aspects of a subject’s background and focus our investigation on those specifics. Our unprecedented access to top-of-the-line databases, matched with our extensive network of contacts, allows us to dig deep and uncover the information that you require to protect your family, business, property and self.
Our background checks are the most comprehensive in the industry. They are compiled from not only billions of records and multiple databases but also from private sources worldwide. These searches are far more up-to-date and thorough than any publicly available website.
Our background checks are useful to screen a nanny, babysitter, neighbor, renter, doctor, potential date, contractor and much more. Our reports may include address and phone history, birthdate, aliases, maiden names, relatives, known associates, roommates, neighbors, marriages, divorces, personal assets, property ownership, court records, nationwide criminal records, nationwide sex offenders and more depending on your particular need.
Marshall & Associate Background Services can include:
- Bankruptcy, judgments and lien searches
- Cell and unlisted reverse searches
- Civil record checks
- Corporate affiliation checks
- Criminal history search
- DMV searches
- Fiscal probing and asset locates
- Professional license verification
- Property searches
- Reference checks
- Social security verification
- Utility record checks
Pre-Employment Screening
Regardless of the size of your business, pre-employment screening is a necessary hiring practice to avoid lawsuits and costly hiring mistakes. Gone are the days of a simple reference check and a few phone calls to screen new employees. Investigating the background of a potential hire can help minimize the risk of negligent-hiring lawsuits. You and your company can be held liable for the actions of a new employee especially if you did not perform a background check. Protect yourself and your business with our pre-employment screening services.